Looking Outwards: Simulation

by guribe @ 9:56 pm 2 February 2010

I discovered a post about the interesting Korean artist Choe U Ram on interactivearchitecture.org

I found his work to be extremely interesting and organic.  The photos below are from a series of kinetic sculptures he named Anima Machines. You can find more information about them here.

Korean artist, Choe U Ram, creates massive, precision engineered sculptures with an eerie organic feel. He uses cut and polished metals, machinery and electronics to create kinetic sculptures inspired by sea creatures and plant life. Exploring the boundaries of archeological discovery and developmental morphology, Choe’s explanations and Latin titles for these creations follow the linguistic traditions of scientific nomenclature. Telling stories using gestural transformation and the tracing of imagined evolutionary stages, these pieces take on the silhouette of actual life forms, as intricate automata express a refined delicacy and weightlessness. Unexpected and fantastical, Choe’s kinetic simulations cyclically breathe with movement that recalls aquatic propulsion, flight and ritualistic courtship displays.

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