Comments on: Project 3: Spider Eggs(-ish) Carnegie Mellon University / Spring 2010 Mon, 10 May 2010 03:41:45 +0000 hourly 1 By: golan Wed, 17 Mar 2010 05:06:16 +0000 Class comments from the Critique, 3/15/10:

Nice experiment working with 3D, building a tool. Not certain this is a tool that I … need? want? I don’t understand the cultural context, if you will, of what this tool allows me to do. Also, it’s confusing that the shape is already colored — the pre-existing colors of the 3d wireframe object are intense enough to conflict with the colors one is applying. Maybe you just need much less prominent wireframe lines. Nice suggestion from Jon, to make this a sphere decoration tool. Karl suggests unwrapping.

I think it would have been better if you had been able to draw on it wherever, allowing you to make picutres on your egg shaped object. It could rotate automatically as you draw.

You should brand this as an easter egg making tool instead of a cocoon making tool.

How does one output their finished product with their tool? Do they? It feels like the interaction has no “end point”, you just sorta walk away – is that intentional? It’s really good at what it does and fun to use, I just don’t know when and how to stop. -SB

color error a bit distracting, shapes limited

I really like the aspect of it when the lines are wrapping slower so you can describe these shapes with just with the lines wrapping around them– I think the more minimal wrappings are the most interesting. It loses the effect a little bit when the line widths are wider and the shape gets wrapped so much that you end up with something that looks like a solid object.
Could these be 3D printed somehow?

By: aburridg Mon, 15 Mar 2010 13:21:29 +0000 Hey!–Leaving a comment since I can’t get onto Pirate Pad (I think it’s full).

You’re project is very interesting and beautiful. And you definitely deserve a lot of prop points for working in 3D. It also seems like, with some more work, it could be a useful drawing tool. I also like your general idea of modeling spider webs.

Mmm…as for negative points–The interface seems a little too complicated to me. It would be cool if the user could click and drag to create a spherical shape instead of drawing and then using the sliding bars. It also doesn’t quite remind me of a spider web because it just wraps around the same way (horizontally around the shape). Maybe it would seem more organic if you could criss cross the wrappings or make interesting patterns (of course this would take a long time to figure out).

But, good job! –Amanda
