Comments on: Looking Outwards #6: Final Project Carnegie Mellon University / Spring 2010 Mon, 10 May 2010 03:41:45 +0000 hourly 1 By: golan Wed, 07 Apr 2010 18:20:45 +0000 Comments from 2010/04/07 crit

Typography: less bold text; left justified; eliminate the orphan word “minute”. Great that you got video recording working!
Perhaps the playback machine and the capture machine can be the same? (For the purposes of saving resources, for the final exhibition). Then the grid of minutes can be a DVD…

Please don’t use videos (or sound, really) of people speaking. It’s extremely distracting from the real content of your piece. It might be a good thing that the code I gave you doesn’t record audio 🙂 — GL

The image quality is so good.
Is there any memory issue if you have recorded so many video?
I kind of like the dynamic video display.

once you get more videos, how many do you want to display on screen? all and make the video size smaller, or just a few and keep size bigger?
I guess keep, say, 12 of videos updated, and the rest blank. So that when an old one fade out , a new one appears in the blank area, and catches attention.

Another thing you could do would be to have a counter along the bottom and randomly select a set of 12-ish videos to show. Once all the videos are done playing, restart the timer and post a new set of randomly chosen videos. The talking girl was distracting after a while…although I didn’t think so the first time I saw the video…but I think part of the reason it was annoying is because she was on a loop. I’m not sure how much you can “filter” out unwanted videos if you intend to collect more data in realtime. 🙂

A countdown to the minute might be nice so people can be prepared. Think Photobooth on the Mac.
>>oh no…
>>Oh no?
>>thought it’s about one’s own perception?
>>No, I mean a five second countdown to the beginning of recording so that people can prepare themselves
>> :]
>>>oh no…
>>>>In that case they will synchronise themselvs with time or start counting unconsciously

By: golan Tue, 30 Mar 2010 11:23:31 +0000 Great post. Thanks.
