Quiz 1 Results

— golan @ 5:44 pm

On Monday 9/12 we had a three-part quiz. Results are posted here.
Solutions by Golan and Craig can be found in the Quiz responses.


Quiz 2011-09-14-A
// 10 points total:
// A series of lines are drawn on the canvas.
// Their endpoints are equally spaced.
// 9 points: Using an iteration structure.
// 1 point: Aesthetics / veracity of copy / attention to detail.
// You must reproduce this image as accurately as possible:

Adelaide 3: problem in observation or execution? poor code formatting isn’t helping.
Alan 10: excellent work (except for the carelessly unspecified background).
Alex 10: perfect solution, plus interesting use of HSB mode. Nice!
Caroline 5: failed to implement core algorithm (single, not double iteration).
claire 8: basically good work, but wrong number of lines & poor visual alignment.
Eric 10: perfect solution.
Erica 10: good work, but why the extra line()?
Jennifer 2: more practice is needed with the concepts.
Keith 6: failed to implement core algorithm (single, not double iteration).
laurie 2: more practice is needed with the concepts.
Lorena 10: good work. You took some artistic liberties. That’s OK.
Mark 10: good work, but why the extra line()?
Max 9: good, but why extra line()s, & heavy weight? also: poorly formatted code.
Sarah 2: more practice is needed with the concepts.
stephanie 3: an interesting guess about the approach.


Quiz 2011-09-14-B
// 10 points:
// 6 points: A 10×10 grid of down-pointing isosceles triangles are drawn.
// 2 points: A single variable controls the size and spacing of the triangles;
// they are exactly as tall as they are wide, and they are spaced at intervals
// equal to one-and-a-half times their width.
// 2 points: Each row of triangles is a darker and darker gray;
// The top row is exactly white, and the bottom row is exactly black.

Adelaide 3: use of double-for loop, but that’s all.
Alan 10: excellent work (except for the carelessly unspecified background).
Alex 10: almost perfect solution. (Did you mean 255, not 265?)
Caroline 7: spacing in error; gradient is reversed.
claire 4: you got stressed and forgot to hook up the y variable. Poorly formatted code.
Eric 10: perfect solution.
Erica 10: perfect solution.
Jennifer 5: gradient reversed, vertical spacing incorrect, and not triangular.
Keith 10: perfect solution; nice borders!
laurie 3: use of double-for loop ok.
Lorena 5: close! triangles point in wrong direction, no gradient, spacing has errors.
Mark 10: interesting decision to use translate().
Max 10: very good solution. fill colors don’t go “exactly” white; consider using map().
Sarah 2: more practice is needed with the concepts.
stephanie 7: very good! spacing has errors, and gradient doesn’t quite meet specified criteria.


Quiz 2011-09-14-C
// 10 points total:
// 3 points: In a wide canvas, draw a sequence of 70 circles;
// they are spaced every 10 pixels across the screen.
// 7 points: Each circle’s vertical position is randomly displaced from that of the previous one.

Adelaide 4: used randomness, but did not implement the cumulative error drunkwalk.
Alan 10: perfect solution (except for the carelessly unspecified background).
Alex 10: perfect solution.
Caroline 4: used randomness, but did not implement the cumulative error drunkwalk.
claire 4: used randomness, but did not implement the cumulative error drunkwalk.
Eric 6: assignment of y within for{} loop to 50 destroyed your cumulative feedback.
Erica 10: good work. FWIW, you didn’t actually need to do the curr/prev swap.
Jennifer 4: used randomness, but did not implement the cumulative error drunkwalk.
Keith 6: declaration of yPos within for{} loop destroyed your cumulative feedback.
laurie 7: Yay cumulative feedback! But there are supposed to be 70, spaced by 10px.
Lorena 4: used randomness, but did not implement the cumulative error drunkwalk.
Mark 10. nice work. FWIW, randomHeight could have been declared as a float.
Max 4: used randomness, but did not implement the cumulative error drunkwalk.
Sarah 4: used randomness, but did not implement the cumulative error drunkwalk.
stephanie 4: used randomness, but did not implement the cumulative error drunkwalk.


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