Deren Guler- Project1(gauntlet)

by deren @ 7:46 am 24 January 2012


int[] xvalues= new int[9];
int[] xvalues= new int[9];
int[] yvalues = new int[9];
int[] yoldvalues = new int[9];
float slope1 = 0;
float slope2;
int[] yfixed= new int[8];
float xoff = 0.05;
int numCircles = 8;
Circle[] circles = new Circle[numCircles];
void setup() {
  size(600, 600);
for (int i=0; i<numCircles; i++) {
    circles[i] = new Circle(random(width),random(height)); // fill the array with circles at random positions
 //pick first random y point
  xvalues[0] = 0; //define boundary for first point
  xvalues[1] = int(random(50, 100));
  xvalues[8]=600;// so the last line goes to the end of the box
  yfixed[0] = int(random(50, 100));
  //make grid of x and y points, first and last x point are set
  for (int i=2; i< 8; i++) {
    //make each new point within limits of the one before and divison
    xvalues[i] = int(random(xvalues[i-1] + 20, ((600 * i)/7)));
    //pick the next number between the a fraction of the space and the point before, but not too close
  //first y point is constrained so that lines dont intersect
    for (int j=1; j< 8; j++) {
        yfixed[j] = int(random(yfixed[j-1] + 50, ((600 * j)/7)) );
          for (int j=0; j< 9; j++) {
        yoldvalues[j] =0;
void draw() {
   //draw random circles
      for (int i=0; i<numCircles; i++) {
    circles[i].display(); // display all the circles
//cycle through fixed y grid
for (int p=0; p < 8; p++){
        // create array of points that deviate around grid yfixed
        for(int k=0; k<9; k++){
          yvalues[k] = yfixed[p]+ int(random(-10 ,10));
       for (int l=0; l < 8; l++){
          line(xvalues[l], yvalues[l] , xvalues[l+1], yvalues[l+1]); //draw bands row by row
           int tofillornot= int(random(3)); // fill some parts with lines, leave others blank
                  if (tofillornot == 1 && l < 7) { //fill with vertical lines but not the first and last one since the slope of that is fixed
                        slope1 = (float((yoldvalues[l+1]- yoldvalues[l]))/ float((xvalues[l+1] - xvalues[l]))); //slope between parts of the segment
                        slope2 = (float((yvalues[l+1]- yvalues[l]))/ float((xvalues[l+1] - xvalues[l]))); //slope between parts of the segment
                        int numvertlines = int(random(20)); //some number of vertical lines
                        float ycepta= yoldvalues[l] - (slope1 * xvalues[l]);
                        float yceptb= yvalues[l+1] - (slope2 * xvalues[l+1]);
                      for (int m = 0; m < numvertlines; m ++){
                        //pick some x and y points and find their pairs using the slope of the bands
                             int x1 = int(random(xvalues[l], xvalues[l+1]));
                        float ycept1 = ycepta + (slope1 * x1); //y = mx+b
                        float ycept2 =  yceptb + (slope2 * x1);
                        line(x1, ycept1,x1, ycept2); //draw vertical lines
           if (tofillornot == 2) { //fill with diagonal lines
                        slope1 = (float((yoldvalues[l+1]- yoldvalues[l]))/ float((xvalues[l+1] - xvalues[l]))); //slope between parts of the segment
                        slope2 = (float((yvalues[l+1]- yvalues[l]))/ float((xvalues[l+1] - xvalues[l]))); //slope between parts of the segment
                        int numvertlines = int(random(20)); //some number of vertical lines
                        float ycepta= yoldvalues[l] - (slope1 * xvalues[l]); //y intercepts for the different slopes
                        float yceptb= yvalues[l+1] - (slope2 * xvalues[l+1]);
                      for (int m = 0; m < numvertlines; m ++){
                        //pick some x and y points and find their pairs using the slope of the bands
                             int x1 = int(random(xvalues[l], xvalues[l+1]));
                             int x2 = int(random(xvalues[l], xvalues[l+1]));
                        float ycept1 = ycepta + (slope1 * x1); //y = mx+b for top and bottom
                        float ycept2 =  yceptb + (slope2 * x2);
                        line(x1, ycept1,x2, ycept2); //draw diagonal line
noLoop(); //don't repeat randoms
 for (int j=0; j< 9; j++) {
        yoldvalues[j] = yvalues[j];
} //end of p loop
//call to draw circles
class Circle {
  float x,y; // location
  float dim; // dimension
  Circle(float x, float y) {
    this.x = x;
    this.y = y;
    dim = random(20,90); //not too big, not too small
  void display() {
    ellipse(x,y,dim,dim); // a circle at position xy

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