
by kelsey @ 2:17 am 24 January 2012

Light Invaders

by  Superscript² and Martial Geoffre-Rouland
Tech: Flash, WebApp, openFrameworks

Using Stealth Led this light installation displayed user created graphics and synchronized them to DJ sets. I was drawn to the project because of the immersive experience, merging music and lights together, filling a whole room and surrounding the concert goers. One thing however that I would like to see, would be this same experience in a more toned down setting, as seen in the behind the scenes video above. The power of the empty warehouse and the projections/music would have a completely different feeling than the intended visualizations for a concert (as seen below) and would provoke a different sort of contemplation.


Where is Your Art

by András Juhász Márton, Melinda Matúz, Gergely Kovács and Barbara Sterk
Tech:WebApp, mini Robots (with text to speech software)

When entering the room of this kinetic sound installation, these tiny robots begin to talk about art by using text to speech software and speaking recent tweets. I like the idea of how unusual it must be to see tiny robots acting like humans, by speaking text written by people. I especially like how the robots move seemingly in space, suspended above the ground with poles. However I’d want to focus more attention in on the robots because it was hard to hear them in the video, so I wasn’t sure what the impact of the actual text content would change the experience; possibly adding a microphone would allow the robots to have a stronger impact.

Still Life

Tech: Unity, C, Objects

This seemingly usual still life painting (Still Life by Scott Gardner) is actually a Unity made 3D model that is on a rotating mount. Using sensors, manipulations of the painting’s frame (eg. tipping it on it’s side) results in movement of painting’s contents, as if they were real. I’m inspired by the idea of blending the real world and a piece of art contained in a frame. Updating the still life, and adding this whole new level of interaction with the piece is a seemingly simple idea, and yet the provocative nature of this blending is very captivating. This piece was made with a television screen, I think it’d be interesting to take it a step further with a touchscreen instead, allowing for poking and prodding to be added to this set of interaction possibilities.

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