
by madeline @ 2:08 am 31 January 2012

Data Visualization |

Brooklyn Pigeon Project by Aranda/Lasch
BPP presents a novel technique for recontextualizing urban cartography: mapping how a flock of birds navigates the city. A flock of trained homing pigeons were sent off from Brooklyn with video cameras, microphones, and GPS devices attached to their backs. The data was then wirelessly transmitted and recompiled into a kind of ‘satellite image’ that emphasizes an off-the-grid representation of the city.


Best Friends by Colin Pinegar

In Best Friends, Colin Pinegar decomposes the network representation of his facebook friend connections into a gradient of relationships. Colored wax busts were cast from an identical silicon mold to denote the level of intimacy with a ‘friend’ (purple being the most intense, and pink being the least…)

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