Looking Outwards

by jonathan @ 11:11 pm 13 February 2012


Very cool. Seeing physical generative artwork reminds me that there is more to computational art than what is on the screen. In general, I think when computational art begins to exists equally in the tangible realm as the intangible realm, that’s when the magic begins to happen. What is so striking about this particular piece is, as well as Marc Fornes’s other work, is it’s an organic form derived from a very non-organic process (speaking about using the computer as a tool here). I think there is a greater possibility for such computational driven forms to be applied to actual problems. Perhaps I’m getting ahead of myself now, but I think I’m coming from a biomimicry perspective. If we can simulate evolution via computers, it’s possible to derive new innovative forms.

This is some pretty interesting stuff. I think this is kind one of the more conventional things people think of when they think generative art: “hey let’s make a living organism!” Not to poo poo this at all, I think it’s beautiful and a wonder of programming (in my eyes at least), but it is something I want to avoid at least. One aspect I really like about it is the ability to fool around with the parameters and customize your creation. It’s not a static piece, per say, but one that any user can play with to see what happens. I always like that user engagement. It’s more than just thinking, it’s doing too.

I really love this one! In design it’s always a delicate balance between being boringly obvious and confusingly obtuse. I think the MIT Media lab new logo is a brilliant example of somewhere in between. Though the logo(s) were not designed by hand, the beauty of the logo is evident in the code that creates it. I know some of my peers would argue that then what happens to the typical designer in a world of computer driven design. My thought is, you gotta adjust. I actually think this particular project excites me the most because it shows how a designer who knows how to write and understand code will be invaluable in the future. You can’t just make form anymore. You have to learn how to program form as well.

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