
by sankalp @ 10:08 am 21 February 2012

So, I decided to scrap the idea of self-generating origami crease patterns for a few reasons, like the fact that the coding behind it, is incredibly beyond me, and even if I had help, I wouldn’t be able to implement it in a truly beneficial way. I also have quite a lot on my plate in regards to time commitments (internship interviews, class midterms, and group presentations the week that this is due) so I really need to scale back. But, I honestly don’t find anything wrong with scaling back, especially in this sort of complex assignment.

Regardless, I have now started to develop a new idea, that still involves both Mathematics and Design. In Mathematics, I am interested in developing recursive fractals. In Design, I am interested in exploring typography.

Thus, for this assignment, I will explore Generative Typography as it relates to fractal creation. I’m not 100% sure how I’m going to do it, but I do have quite a strong source as to what can help me with the project. I recently found this book called Type + Code by Yeohyn Ahn that thoroughly gives tuturials for working with basic, intermediate, and advanced coding in Processing (the main language I code in). I’m super excited about it, becuase I plan to use this book along with sections of The Nature of Code by Dan Shiffman that deal with fractals and cellular automata to really create something great.

Essentially, I plan to generate something Beautiful that I will then, according to time, laser print into a block of wood, thus creating myself a physical artifact. Should be fun, dealing with lasers that is, because I’ve never used laser cutters before. So I’m pumped for that. But first, generative art.

See you on the other side of this project


1 Comment


    check out this picture (

    reminded me of what you are trying to do… different colored things creating a letter form

    Comment by luci — 23 February 2012 @ 11:25 am

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