Sam Lavery – Looking Outwards – 4

by sam @ 5:41 pm 11 March 2012


The reacTogon is an interface that enables people to build arpeggios using hexagonal blocks. The blocks are placed on a board that represents all of the notes on the harmonic table. Some blocks have certain effects that alter the sequence or direction of the arpeggio. There are also controls for other aspects of the sound. This is similar to the augmented reality project Golan showed in class but allows the user to make more refined sequences and patterns.

Despite the not-so-subtle innuendo that is evident in the design of this remote, the idea of having objects that become alive only when you need to use them is intriguing. This remote in its sleep state turns into a floppy gel but becomes rigid when the user grabs it. I think there is probably a use for this type of interaction but Panasonic has not found it.


Last but not least, my favorite tangible interaction project ever.

useless box

1 Comment

  1. Crazy Japanese machine:


    Heinz Automato 2:

    Comment by dan — 20 March 2012 @ 1:35 pm

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