Interaction Looking Outwards

by deren @ 5:39 pm 15 March 2012

I saw this presented at TEI recently, and though it sonded cool,  I don’t really see the need for it. I agree that it is really great to combine new media technology and tangible objects like writing on a scroll, but inventing a new method seems a bit too much, Although some of the features- like marking up pictures is very neat.

This is a really cool concept. I like the idea of virtually existing in a galaxy space as you are on a physical swing, and I think it is cool that they used a kinect. However, I don’t really see why they used a kinect instead of a regular motion sensor. It doesn’t seem to be doing anything more than zooming in and out of the star field.

These are really neat! I like the interaction with a virtual turntable to create a beat. It is like taking one of the DJ apps for an iphone and making it into a single unit. This is cool but also makes you think about how simple it really is to make this using a touch screen for a device that can do so many other things. although this uses an actual turntable arm and light patterns to create the beat in a way that is different that coding a touchscreen.

1 Comment

  1. Johannes Kreidler “kinect studies”:

    Comment by dan — 20 March 2012 @ 1:48 pm

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