Kaushal Agrawal – Looking Outwards 4

by kaushal @ 1:26 am 20 March 2012

[vimeo=http://vimeo.com/36892768 width=”600px” height=”400px”]
Starfield is a project by Lab 212 which manipulates the to and fro motion of the swing to animate a project sky on the wall. The application is created in Openframeworks and uses kinect for the detection of the depth of the swing in the space and automatically animate the stars in the projected sky. It uses the openGL for rendering the sky onto the wall. The installation is very interesting in the way the artist used the kinect, which is a sort of motion and depth detection but not of a human body, unlike other kinect projects.

Sound Machines
[vimeo=http://vimeo.com/35014340 width=”600px” height=”400px”]
Sound Machines is an interactive instrument that resembles record players and have a set of three record playing like discs to produce music. The music is controlled by the placement of the head on the record players. The record players are art discs with custom pattern with black and white colors. The head reads the color beneath the head and plays the music accordingly. It is interesting how the barcode scanner like concept was transferred into a DJ console.

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