Final Project: My Life is like a Video Game cont…

by jonathan @ 9:49 pm 2 April 2012


Looks like I wasn’t the first one with this idea. There are a couple things I really like about this particular project: firstly the helmet is pretty darn nifty. The planar form allows for the user to easily be able to define where they are in the space while looking equally ridiculous and futuristic. Secondly, the pairing with an Arduino to physically be able to rotate through the space is a nice extension of interaction, though I had wished that he had incorporated more features like zooming or panning. In any case, I fee like my particular project is an extension of this one. I aim to truly be able to manipulate the projected environment instead of merely representing it like in this video.


I want to know how they were able to so accurately use the ipad accelerometer to move around the image, unless they used some other marker to match the image to.


Hmm, I wonder if there is a way to combine AR markers to my project. Perhaps placing a marker on the helmet to switch heads would be interesting?

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