
20 Jan 2013

MSA Fluid by Memo Akten



A really, really impressive simulation of fluid dynamics! The artist uses the iPhone as a control panel for the currents in the simulation, and OSC for communication over wifi to run the software in real-time. Using the touchscreen capabilities of the iPhone, the user can drag, poke, and twist to introduce new forces into the simulation. The user can also use more than one finger as a controller simultaneously.

MSAFluid for processing (Controlled by iPhone) from Memo Akten on Vimeo.


OpenFrameworks 3D Flocking by MultiRutele

This project isn’t particularly unique or groundbreaking, but it does illustrate a very graceful execution of 3D flocking, which I have always found to be very visually engaging.


Bloom Skin by Wow Inc. Tokyo

I think this is a really elegant example of an installation. The use of the flowing fabric really does instill a sense of organic flowing motion reminiscent of some sort of deep sea organism. My only complaint is that the music in the video appears to hide the noise of the fans, which I feel would likely take away from the natural, ethereal feel of the piece.