
27 Jan 2013

This project uses FaceOCS to track the position of your face, and maps it to a face in the Processing environment. It uses the orientation of your face to steer up, down, left and right on the screen. It also maps your mouth, and whether it is open or closed. By looking the direction you want the face to move in and opening your mouth, it is possible to eat the small glowing sprites that wander around the frame. They leave a splatter where they were eaten which fades with time. The bugs utilize a modified version of Daniel Shiffman’s boid class.

Git –> Soon, github hates me


The simple Splatter class:

class Splatter {
  PVector loc;
  int life;
  PImage splat;

  Splatter(PVector l, PImage s) {
    loc = l;
    life = 255;
    splat = s;

  void run() {
    translate(loc.x, loc.y);
    tint(255, 255, 255, life);
    image(splat, 0, 0);
    if (life > 0) life--;

Function used to determine if the bug is within range of the mouth:

void eaten(Bug bug, float mouthWidth, float mouthHeight, PVector posePosition) {
  if ((posePosition.x-(mouthWidth*4)-20 < = bug.loc.x) && 
    (bug.loc.x <= (3*(mouthWidth*2)+posePosition.x)+10)) {
    if ((posePosition.y+75 <= bug.loc.y) &&
      (bug.loc.y <= posePosition.y+(mouthHeight*20)+75)) {
      Splatter temp;
      PVector tempLoc = new PVector(bug.loc.x, bug.loc.y);  

      bug.loc.x = random(-100, 0);
      bug.loc.y = random(-100, 0);

      if (bug.bug == lpic) {
        temp = new Splatter(tempLoc, (loadImage("l" + (int)random(1, 3) + ".png")));
      else if (bug.bug == fpic) {
        temp = new Splatter(tempLoc, (loadImage("f" + (int)random(1, 3) + ".png")));
      else if (bug.bug == spic) {
        temp = new Splatter(tempLoc, (loadImage("s" + (int)random(1, 3) + ".png")));