Kristina -GIF

I still can’t seem to make this into a GIF… but at least it’s not working at a normal speed.

int nFramesInLoop=20;
int nElapsedFrames;
void setup() {
size(300, 300);
void draw() {

fill(0, 0, 60, 20);
rect(0, 0, 500, 200);
for (int skyh = 0;skyh<=150;skyh++) { for (int skyv =0;skyv<=150;skyv++) { pushMatrix(); float randstars = random(-20, 20); float randstars2 = random (-20, 20); translate(1+30*skyh+randstars, 1+randstars2 +16*skyv); fill(0); rect(0, 0, 200, 300); fill(255); ellipse(0, 0, 1, 1); popMatrix(); } } //Adding the buildings of the city fill(110); noStroke(); rect(0, 100, 30, 100); //adding lit windows to this particualr building for (int b2=0; b2 < 3; b2++) { for (int b3 = 0; b3<=8;b3++) { pushMatrix(); fill(200, 220, 255); translate(3+10*b2, 110+10*b3); rect(0, 0, 4, 5); popMatrix(); //continuing to add buildings fill(95); rect(120, 120, 150, 80); fill(50); rect(30, 70, 120, 130); fill(255, 200, 0); //adding lights to this particular building also for (int i=0;i<12;i++) { for (int j=0;j<=12;j++) { pushMatrix(); fill(255, 200, 0); translate(32+10*i, 75+10*j); rect(0, 0, 5, 5); popMatrix(); } fill(100); rect(280, 50, 110, 150); fill(70); rect(170, 150, 130, 50); } //adding a reflection in the water for the yellow building fill(0); rect(0, 200, 300, 200); for (int k=0;k<=8;k++) { for (int l = 0; l<=12; l++) { float rand = random(-10, 10); float rand2 = random(-10, 10); pushMatrix(); fill(255, 200, 0, 220); translate(28+rand+15*k, 210+rand2+15*l); //rect(0, 0, 5, 7); //fill(200,100,0,100); rect(0, 0, 18, 3); popMatrix(); } } for (int reflectb2=0;reflectb2<=4;reflectb2++) { for (int reflectb3 = 0; reflectb3<12; reflectb3++) { float randb2 = random(-10, 10); float randb3 = random(-10, 10); pushMatrix(); fill(200, 220, 255, 220); translate(randb2+15*reflectb2, 210+randb3+15*reflectb3); rect(0, 0, 18, 3); popMatrix(); } } } } } [/embed] Here is my code... I need to find a way to randomly generate buildings and their accompanying lights withuot having to do it individually every time! My code finally got so slow I only ever rendered two buildings...

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