Shan Huang

23 Jan 2014


My assigned letter is V. V is not quite my letter because it’s not in my name and I’m not particularly fond of the shape. V has a sharp and cold feel. I wanted to preserve that feel and therefore restrained myself from bending V into curves. I have the two arms of V fall from the middle with slightly different paces and bounce a little when they arrive at their final positions.


For letter of my choice I chose O. O reminds me of circular things like orbits and it looks like a planet too. So I have a small circle revolve around O along the path of a horizontal O.





My initial designs for these letters were a bit more complex but then the parametric object project sucked all my power. In moments of despair I decided to keep my designs simple (and hopefully elegant!). I’m pretty happy with what I came up with. It didn’t take more than a few lines of code but the movement makes sense for the letters.


code for V

 * Register your submission and choose a character
 * For more information check out the documentation
Anitype.register('V', {
  // Enter your name
  author: 'Shan Huang',
  // Enter a personal website, must have http
  website: '',
  // Make your animation here
  construct: function(two, points) {
    // Reference to instance
    var anitype = this;
    // Create a Two.Polygon
    var polygon = anitype.makePolygon(points);
    // Set an initial state
    var p0 = polygon.vertices[0].clone();
    var p2 = polygon.vertices[2].clone();
    polygon.vertices[0].set(0, -370);
    polygon.vertices[2].set(0, -370);
    // Create the animation via a tween
    anitype.addTween(polygon.vertices[0], {
      to: { x: p0.x, y: p0.y },
      easing: Anitype.Easing.Bounce.Out,
      duration: 0.9, // Value from 0 - 1
      start: 0        // Value from 0 - 1
    anitype.addTween(polygon.vertices[2], {
      to: { x: p2.x, y: p2.y },
      easing: Anitype.Easing.Bounce.Out,
      duration: 0.6, // Value from 0 - 1
      start: 0        // Value from 0 - 1
    // Return your polygon wrapped in a group.
    return two.makeGroup(polygon);

code for O

* Register your submission and choose a character
* For more information check out the documentation
Anitype.register('O', {
// Enter your name
author: 'Shan Huang',
// Enter a personal website, must have http
website: '',
// Make your animation here
construct: function(two, points) {
// Reference to instance
var anitype = this;
// Create a Two.Polygon
var polygon = anitype.makePolygon(points).subdivide();
// Set an initial state
var circle = two.makeCircle(0, 0, 5);
// Create the animation via a tween
var perc = percent - Math.floor(percent);
var idx = Math.floor(percent*polygon.vertices.length)%polygon.vertices.length;
if(perc < 0.21125 || perc > 0.35){
circle.translation.y = polygon.vertices[idx].x / 2;
circle.translation.x = polygon.vertices[idx].y;
circle.translation.y = -10000;
circle.translation.x = -10000;
// Return your polygon wrapped in a group.
return two.makeGroup([polygon, circle]);