
10 Feb 2015

A customizable candlestick by @ronaldhkim.

I found this assignment to be challenging, particularly regarding naked edges that I couldn’t resolve easily as well as other 3D printable constraints. This was my first time to use Rhino/Python; in the end, I chose to create a candlestick holder accommodating different heights and widths, as well as an adjustable base height. The base is smooth and contoured, while the stem is textured with individual spheres packed together. The socket sits above the stem with a candle modeled in the object. I would liked to have created an object with more interesting contours with finer 3D details, but I could this to be more challenging than expected.

import math
import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs
pi = math.pi
LayerRotation = 0.0

#height of column
#height = 25.0
height = rs.GetReal("Enter column height (between 5 and 30)", 15, 5, 30)
#radius of column
#radius = 5.0
radius = rs.GetReal("Enter column radius (between 2 and 10)", 2, 2, 10)
spheresize = radius / 10
#spacing of spheres in circle
spacing1 = pi/30
spacing2 = spacing1*2

#height of base
#base = 8.75
base = rs.GetReal("Enter height of stand (between 5 and 10)", 8.75, 5, 10)
list_of_points = [(radius + 5, 0, 0), (radius + 2.22, 0, 2.5), (radius + 7.08, 0, 4.5), (radius + 4.7, 0, 7.5), (radius, 0, base)]


baseCurve = rs.AddCurve(list_of_points)
rs.AddRevSrf(baseCurve,((0,0,0), (0,0,1)))

for z in rs.frange(base, height+base, spheresize):
LayerRotation = LayerRotation + spacing1
for theta in rs.frange(0.0, 2*pi, spacing2):
x = radius * math.cos(theta + LayerRotation)
#print("The value of x is ", x)
y = radius * math.sin(theta + LayerRotation)
#print("The value of y is ", y)
mySphere = rs.AddSphere([x,y,z], spheresize)

nextheight = height+radius

candle_base = [(radius, 0, height+base), (radius, 0, height+base+2), (radius+3.63, 0, height+base+2), (radius+3.63, 0, height+base+4), (0,0,height+base+4)]
candleBaseCurve = rs.AddCurve(candle_base)

candleHeight = 15
topSleeve = rs.AddCylinder((0,0,height+base+4), candleHeight, radius)

flame = [(0,0,height+base+4+candleHeight), (1.78,0,height+base+4+candleHeight+2), (2,0,height+base+4+candleHeight+3),(0.71,0,height+base+4+candleHeight+4),(0,0,height+base+4+candleHeight+6)]
flameCurve = rs.AddCurve(flame)


GitHub Link:

I cannot embed the SketchFab code in here correctly; the link is here.