
Cavitas by Giuseppe Randazzo (There’s a series of them)

What I like most about this series of generative pieces is that they’re so well rendered and have such a physical quality- they’re no longer limited by the two-dimensional screen or the classic no-shadow 3D object representations. They look like photos of landscape from another world where there’re different physics rules. I wish I could go there.

As the author talked about their algorithms, “Debris of digital primitives gather themselves around cavities that repel and create the void, boolean volumes that subtract and modulate the space.. Or thin polygonal scales whose layout and frequency is the image of sinusoidal interferences, as in ‘squamae’”. The physical quality seems hard to reproduce, but I can definitely learn from the harmony between order and randomness and how the random elements don’t make the work chaotic but organic. And since now we’ve now learned a few different random functions I guess I should continue exploring on that.