

Zoetrope Design

My design plays with creating a square out of triangles, destructuring it, and restructuring it. I made it black and white with big blocky shapes so that it would be easier to see in the dark Zoetrope. I had a bunch more crazy ideas about having the shape pause, rotate, expand, pause, rotate, rejoin – but I wound up actually liking the open-and-close motion, partly based on the fact that there were 12 frames to work with.

Animated GIF

Preliminary Sketches


// This code is an edited excerpt from Golan Levin's 
// Zoetrope template:
float t = 0;
float T = 0;
boolean reverse = false;
void drawArtFrame (int whichFrame) { 
  // Draw the artwork for a generic frame of the Zoetrope, 
  // given the framenumber (whichFrame) out of nFrames.
  int w = 20;
  int h = 20;
  float midx = 0;
  float midy = artAreaHeight * 0.5;
  float top = midy - h/2;
  float bottom = midy + h/2;
  float left = midx - w/2;
  float right = midx + w/2;
  float inc = 1;
  if (whichFrame >= nFrames / 2) {
    t = nFrames - whichFrame;
  } else {
    t = whichFrame;
  float mappedt = map(t, 0, nFrames/2, 0, 1);
  T = function_PennerEaseInOutCubic(mappedt) * nFrames * 2;
  triangle(left - T, bottom, midx - T, midy, left - T, top);
  triangle(right, bottom + T, midx, midy + T, left, bottom + T);
  triangle(right + T, top, midx + T, midy, right + T, bottom);
  triangle(left, top - T, midx, midy - T, right, top - T);