

  1. The lines are black; the background is white
  2. The line midpoints seem to be fixed on a grid (45×45 line midpoints) with spacing between each row half a line away
  3. The lines’ angles are pretty regular (perhaps a gaussian distribution)
  4. The interruptions in her piece are splotchy, but concentrated: not randomly selected in a simple way.
  5. The splotches are centered heavily in some areas, making me suspect that they are generated via epicenters of some sort.
  6. The lines intersect each very close to the endpoints, or not at all
  7. The lines are not cut off at the edge; they remain the same length
  8. The lines have a natural chevron pattern overlaid on vertical lines
  9. The interruptions don’t touch much of the edge; much more focuses on the center
  10. There aren’t very many vertical lines near the interruptions

Initially I had thought this to be a set of randomized lines. However, when I had coded this, I realised that it was more regular and had much more structure than the hairy mess I had coded. Going back to the drawing board, I had to redraw these lines in a grid. Also, the interruptions stumped me for a long while. They didn’t seem to have any rhyme or reason, so I tried randomly omitting some lines. That didn’t work as well as I had thought, so I had to go through much trial and error for a decent facsimile of her pattern, centered around empty spots. I admit now that such a piece is so much more than meets the eye. The technical abilities she harbored and the fact that she probably had no premade algorithms to rip off makes her truly a pioneer of intersectionality.