
  1. The artwork is square.
  2. There is a border of white along the edges.
  3. The lines all tend to have a bias toward vertical or horizontal in each piece, from a further away view.
  4. Very few individual lines are rotated anywhere near horizontal(for the vertically oriented pieces).
  5. Open areas between lines seem to have fairly uniform, if random shapes.
  6. The lines look like they line up in a grid, with each line rotated about its midpoint.
  7. The lines are all short and have the same length
  8. The lines are black. The background is white.
  9. The larger open spaces have irregular shapes and are fairly sparse.
  10. Some of the large open spaces occur at the 'edges' and there are no lines in that part of the edge.
  11. There are lots of small parallelograms, triangles, and sometimes pentagons formed by adjacent lines.
  12. There are at least fifty lines in a row/column.

var boolDoRefresh;
var boolDoRefresh;
var bkgrd = 255;
var canvasW = 650;
var canvasH = 650;
var border = 30;
var gridSize = 56;
var baseAngle = 90; //change to 0 for horizontal orientation
var lineRadius = 9;
function setup() {
  createCanvas(canvasW, canvasH);
  boolDoRefresh = true;
function draw() {
  if (boolDoRefresh) {
    boolDoRefresh = false;
function drawTheThing(){
  var div = (width - 2*border)/gridSize;
  var noiseVal;
  var noiseScale=0.01;
    for (var x = border; x < width - border; x += div){
      for (var y = border; y < width - border; y += div){ 
        noiseVal = noise((x) * noiseScale, (y) * noiseScale); 
        if(noiseVal > 0.75) stroke(255);
        else stroke(0);
function drawLineCenteredAt(x,y){
  var angle, dx, dy, bias;
  bias = 65;
  angle = baseAngle - random(bias);
  var half = random(2);
  var neg;
  if (half < 1) neg = -1;
  else neg = 1;
  dx = neg*lineRadius*cos(angle);
  dy = lineRadius*sin(angle);
  line(x+dx,y+dy, x-dx,y-dy);
function mousePressed() {
  boolDoRefresh = true;
Some Thoughts

I started with the general form, a grid of randomly rotated lines, then added in noise, then fine-tuned the lines' randomness. The vertical/horizontal bias was interesting. The angle rotated definitely had to be less than 90 degrees, but I wasn't sure if the angle deviation was constant or formed a kind of bell curve around a point(ultimately it made little difference).  The noise was also difficult because understanding what the different settings meant didn't translate to imagining what the overall effect would be, so it was a lot of testing and close comparison. I learned to appreciate examining an art piece in extremely great detail and seeing what kind of fiddling went into achieving that specific impression. I think I made a good copy at a glance, although I think the noise could have been less harsh.