EliRosen – Project 3 Proposal

by eli @ 12:49 am 23 February 2012

For my generative art piece I had the idea that if my code is generating an approximation of life it would make sense that the life-like forms generated would be in awe of the source of their creation. It would be beyond their understanding but they would worship it and be fearful of it. The mouse pointer would be their god, and the source code their holy manuscript.

I want to create a community of amoeba-like creatures that will worship the mouse pointer. I want the simulation of worship to be playful. It should include some kind of circular arrangement of the creatures along with swaying, dancing, and chanting. I think good sound will be key to the success of the project. I will attempt to generate the chanting by stringing together random phonemes. Other possible explorations include formation of holy sites, prophets (or spiritual leaders), and sacrifice.

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