Lecture 02-16

by admin @ 12:07 am 16 February 2012

Shiffman’s Book Here!
Shiffman’s Code Here!
Shiffman’s Tuts Here!

Topics under consideration
Kaushal Agrawal:    noise behavior ecosystem
Sarah Keeling:    morph patterns animation
Varvara Toulkeridou:    self-organization light aggregation
Nicholas Inzucchi:    audio distortion field
Madeline Gannon:   generative Haeckel forms
Sankalp Bhatnagar:    self-generating origami folds
Alexander Rothera:    people distort hotglue
Billy Keyes:    colorful multiscale paths
Joe Medwid:    evolutionary creature silhouettes
Eli Rosen:    playful reverent creature
Deren Guler:    optics magic eyes
Heather Knight:    trajectory animacy flirtation
Evan Sheehan:    amusing alive exploratory
Movement & Flow
Sam Lavery:    simple flow transit
Kelsey Lee:    music shape movement
Ju Young Park:    vanity flow series
Alex Wolfe:    intricate lava meshes
Zack Jacobson-Weaver:    phase change slump
Miscellaneous & Lasers
Craig Fahner:    history of time
Jonathan Ota:    physical adaptive lasers
Luci Laffitte:    movement puzzle laser
Nir Rachmel:    biology engaging useful
Xing Xu (Star):    relationship node movement

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