
05 Feb 2013

N-Body Problem

The n-body problem involves predicting the motion of celestial objects under mutual gravitation. With many objects, this simulation can be computationally taxing due to n2 force calculations. Here we simulate two hundred massive objects, using the Barnes–Hut algorithm to approximate forces in O(n log n). Using dynamic properties, we can easily encode speed using color, and velocity with a white arrow.


Generative Art Prints

This art prints are all comprised of very simple graphics and simple colors. But it’s very beautiful and I like this simple style.

Here’s the link:


An intuitive approach to network layout is to model the graph as a physical system: nodes are charged particles that repel each other, and links are dampened springs that pull related nodes together. A physical simulation of these forces then determines node positions; approximation techniques that avoid computing all pairwise forces enable the layout of large numbers of nodes. In addition, interactivity allows the user to direct the layout and jiggle nodes to disambiguate links. Such a force-directed layout is a good starting point for understanding the structure of a general undirected graph. This kinds of graph will be very direct for people to see and to know the relations between each node.