It Was This Big

Author: Robb Summary: Computer vision constantly measures a Betta Fish, displaying its dimensions on a tablet. Abstract: Computer vision constantly measures a Siamese Fighting Fish, displaying its dimensions on a tablet. The measuring of natural phenomena is an absurd and often fruitless task. While work in any media has dimensions, the emphasis of scale in the field of art history and criticism can distract from the work itself. In this sculpture, I explore the relationship between artifact and scale. Repository:

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About Robb

Robb Godshaw is an interactive Artist, Tinkerer, Designer, ect. He goes to Carnegie Mellon to study Fine Art. He just moved to Pittsburgh in August. Before that, he worked as the sole employee of Cryoscope, attempting to bring the device to market. Also, He worked as an engineer at the Los Angeles Creative Collective, Syyn Labs. Way back in 2010, Robb was at RIT studying Industrial Design. Pasted from personal site... Sorry.

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