Sama Kanbour

17 Jan 2014

Open Paths

Description this free application collects information about your locations.
Purpose tracking your locations could be a good indicator of how adventurous you are…
Visual Techniques the application uses your device’s GPS and provides a graphic showing the places you visited as well as how frequently you visit them.
Areas of Improvement: none




Mood Panda

Description Mood Panda tracks your daily mood as well as the reasons behind you mood
Purpose: having a clear assessment of your daily mood could indicate if you’re a happy person or not?
Visual Techniques the mobile application asks your mood every day and generates a graph of your past moods
Areas for Improvement the design needs more work; Self-assessment of mood might not be accurate



Mint for iPad

Description Mint for iPad is a mobile application that reviews all of your personal finances
Purpose understand where your money goes
Visual Techniques the application visualizes and categorizes your financial expenses in a chart
Areas for Improvement none
