Thomas Langerak – Dataviz

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This is my main assignment since I wanted to learn more about D3js.

Related artists are shown by means of a datavizualization made with D3. It is interesting because is shows a different few of how artists appear similar.

In this datavizualization I make use of the data previously gathered. I started out with a single artist (the Eagles) and searched on LastFM for five similar artists. For those 5 artists I did that same, continuing till I had almost 4000 links.

I have chosen for this visualization because first of all I want to learn D3js, secondly I wanted it be dynamic and last but not least I thought this kind of layout may gain me some new insights on how artists are ordered in such questions.

What I is extremely interesting: I failed in the aspect that I do not account for capitals. LastFM has the tendency to be inconsistent with regard to be spelling (eg. the Eagles are apperently not similar to The Eagles), though they are not directly related they are floating almost on top of eachother in the vizualization. This tendence me to believe that somehow that this is a more valid presentation on similar artists.
