Comments on: Jon Miller – Final Project Carnegie Mellon University / Spring 2010 Mon, 10 May 2010 03:41:45 +0000 hourly 1 By: golan Wed, 07 Apr 2010 18:24:45 +0000 Comments from 2010/04/07

mmm, tasty, you got the look down. Nice terrain generation too.

Cool 3D generation! I like the “Tron” or “Snake” idea. Maybe you can also have the user chase after something and if it reaches it a feature of the terrain could change. Maybe to make it easier, you don’t have to have the user collide with complicated mesh objects? Not sure though…great start!

so awesome <-- a procedurally generated massively multiplayer online game. I think some of his stuff is open sourced.

By: Jon Miller Wed, 31 Mar 2010 00:17:58 +0000 Comments:

Collaborative images:

I think that’s how some buildng and urban planners actually figure out where to put sidewalks – they look at how people cut across lawns naturally and lay the sidewalk where the path is most trodden. Anyhow, there’s something very Zen about this idea, considering it’s inherently about the End Of Days. -SB
>> They need to do this on the cut at CMU! I think the paths are unintuitive.
>> Completly agree.



also realtime glow:

Unity3D is the game engine of choice for mods. Speak with Riley Harmon, MFA student in Art, about game engines.

By: golan Tue, 30 Mar 2010 11:11:57 +0000 Jon — comments from 4/19 crit:

✓ Jon: TRON terrain generation game.
I like that your test player is inventing his own game on top of your proposed game. That’s usually worth listening to and baking further into the design. (It seems like you’ve done so already with the radar, but what else can you do? Car damage?) 🙂 This isn’t to say that guarding the treasure can’t be a primary task with the ramming of the other car being an optional offensive technique (think Halo Capture The Flag.)
This actually feels like with the right game mechanics, it could be a very, very popular game (like, of the sort you could sell) – but simple, fun game mechanics are the hard part. Don’t fret that you haven’t nailed them down already, just playtest, playtest, playtest this with people again and again and again…
You’re not going to figure out which is fun until you play it. Just go with a hunch and get it to a point where you can get it in front of players ASAP. Finding playtesters is hard, man – even Harmonix had to bribe people with pizza…. -SB

You have a nice technical achievement — real-time terrain generation. But you haven’t connected this well (yet) to a game mechanic. There are interesting opportunities here.. you need to pick a solution.

Do you want a competitive game, or a collaborative one? (Xiao).
Caryn: reminds me of Lemmings, where you had to create obstacles for gremins. A herding game…
Jordan: a Tron-style game would require a real penalty function related to the slope of the terrain.

Sweet results. This looks impressive. I think you need to think about the metaphor a little bit, though. It’s not entirely obvious that your car is creating this mountain. How can you tell the user that your car is doing something to change the terrain.

I would get rid of the shader. I’d like this to look more geometric and less realistic.

I really like the radar thing.
More hills please.


The lighting effects look really impressive. I love the radar view as well.
I agree that it’s not completely clear that your car is creating the mountain… can the mountain creation be more dramatic? Maybe you can turn on a mode where you create more dramatic/more threatening mountains.

–Sweet! awesome! yes!!!
-I’m not a fan of the treasure guarding. I think you should stick with trying to destroy the other vehicle. Currently, the mountains don’t seem like they have much effect. They should be scary to drive over! (e.g. “I can cut him off if I drive over the mountain, but that could be dangerous and I might die)
–The minimap is cool! though, the player 2 minimap/overhead thing doesn’t seem to work properly.
–the rear view mirror might be unnecessary.

This is tron:
Matches are short and sweet, and that makes it a lot of fun. It’s easy and quick to pick up and play, but it can provide lasting fun! An intense match might last no more than 45 seconds~

so awesome. could make it more challenging by reducing the amount visible to each player? could they play on seperate screens and have a seperate knowledge of the world/minimap/fog of war type thing.
what if driving backwards was like a land eraser? should definitely have holes to fall through somehow

No radar for player 2? I like the lighting! Are you going to add any color terrain to it? I wonder that if you could have the user decide somehow what type of terrain is generated…how high the terrain is or maybe the type of terrain (desert, mountains, forect, etc.)? Since, as mentioned before, the game has become more two-player oriented. The treasure idea is cool, but I think the “kill each other” objective is also cool. Maybe generate a points system and display the points along the bottom? Maybe if you go accross a certain type of terrain you crash and lose life or something. Maybe you could also add items that you can pick up and use. Very great progress! It looks like your learning and having fun, and I can’t wait to see the final thing! It’s going to be awesommmmeee! It kind of reminds me of mario cart without the cute characters. -Amanda

The top left small map is pretty nice.
Maybe one car grows the mountain and another one erode it.

Graffiti created by driving around.

For the attention span of art project audiences, you probably want the mountains to generate faster.

Maybe there should be something that informs the players about their treasure? I think the object of the game should be clear just by looking at the screen at any time

what about realistic texture mapping for the terrain?

What if one car lowered the terrain?

It’s too slow! (Not just the framerate)

How to make competition fun?
