Lesson Notes 31

— golan @ 2:51 pm

While{} blocK:

int a = 0;
int b = 1;
int sum = a+b;

while (sum < 10000) { // some boolean test!
  a = b;
  b = sum;
  sum = a+b;

Trigger an event periodically:

int poopPeriod = 3000;
int lastPoopTime = 0;

void setup(){ 

void draw(){
 if ((millis() - lastPoopTime) >= poopPeriod) {

void poop(){
  // only printed output for now; visuals are up to you
  println("At " + millis() + ", I pooped"); 
  lastPoopTime = millis(); 

Function that returns a value:

void setup(){
  int mySum = addThreeInts (3,8,11); 
  float f = cos(4.0);
  println("My Sum = " + mySum); 

int addThreeInts (int a, int b, int c){
  int sum = a + b + c;
  return sum;

Interpolation (Blurred Integrator / "Zeno's Interpolation") to the Mouse

float px = 0;
float py = 0;

void setup(){

void draw(){
  float A = 0.95;
  float B = 1.0-A;
  px = A*px + B*mouseX;
  py = A*py + B*mouseY;
  ellipse (px,py, 30,30);

Damping a variable down to zero / Triggering an event sequence

float py, px;
float vy, vx;
void setup(){

void draw(){
  float grayColor = map(px, 0,width, 0,255);
  py += vy;
  px += vx;
  vy *= 0.96;
  vx *= 0.96;
  ellipse(px,py, 30,30);

void mousePressed(){
  // clicking resets the action

void initiateMovementSequence(){
  px = width/2;
  py = height/2;
  vx = random(-5,5);
  vy = random(-5,5);

Simple Pong

float px, py;
float vx, vy;
float diam = 80;

void setup(){
  px = width/2;
  py = height/2;
  vx = random(-10,10);
  vy = random(-10,10);

void draw(){
  px += vx;
  py += vy;
  if ((px < (diam/2)) || (px > (width - diam/2))){
    vx = -vx;
  if ((py < (diam/2)) || (py > (height - diam/2))){
    vy = -vy;

  ellipse(px,py, 80,80);

void mousePressed(){
  // clicking the mouse randomizes direction
  vx = random(-10,10);
  vy = random(-10,10);

Bounce-triggered Speech Synthesizer (just for yuks):

import guru.ttslib.*; // gotta download and install that; don't forget.

float px, py;
float vx, vy;
float diam = 40;
int myLetterCount = 0;
SimpleThread thread1;

void setup() {
  px = width/2;
  py = height/2;
  vx = random(-2,2);
  vy = random(-2,2);
  thread1 = new SimpleThread("voicer");

void exit(){

void draw(){
  px += vx;
  py += vy;
  boolean didBounce = false;
  if ((px < (diam/2)) || (px > (width - diam/2))){
    vx = -vx;
    didBounce = true;
  if ((py < (diam/2)) || (py > (height - diam/2))){
    vy = -vy;
    didBounce = true;
  if (didBounce){
    char myChar = (char)(myLetterCount + 'a');
    String myString = "" + myChar;
    myLetterCount = (myLetterCount + 1)%26; // 0..25

  ellipse(px,py, diam,diam);


public class SimpleThread extends Thread {
  // From Dan Shiffman's Tutorial. 
  private boolean running;             // Is the thread running?  Yes or no?
    private int toWait;                // How many milliseconds should we wait in between executions?
    private String id;                 // Thread name
    private int count;                 // counter
    TTS tts;
    String sayString =  "";
    boolean freshMeat;
    // Constructor, create the thread. It is not running by default
    public SimpleThread (String threadName){
        toWait = 3;
        running = false;
        freshMeat = false;
        id = threadName;
        count = 0;
        tts = new TTS();
    public void speak(String toSay){
      sayString = toSay;
      freshMeat = true;
    public void start () {
        running = true;
        println ("Starting");

    public void run () {
        while (running){
            if (freshMeat){
              freshMeat = false;
            try {
            catch (Exception e) {
        println(id + " thread is done!");  // The thread is done when we get to the end of run()
    public void quit(){
        println("Quitting Thread."); 
        running = false;  // Setting running to false ends the loop in run()
        interrupt(); // in case the thread is waiting. . .


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