LookingOutwards — max_perim @ 5:41 am

Untiled Faces

Untiled Faces by Nathan Selikoff is an interactive sculpture that displays chaotic systems, a complex mathematical model that can describe the evolution of a system in relation to time. Three levers, similar to those of a 70’s arcade game, allow viewers to move through a somewhat unpredictable four-dimensional parameter space. The rightmost and leftmost screens display the “strange attractors,” which are components of the chaotic system which is represented in the middle screen.


Simulen by Jean Katambayi Mukendi is a prototype for the solution of the electricity distribution problems in the congo (as well as the rest of Africa). Because of the intermittent power, people manually tamper with the power lines to try and fix the brownouts that often occur, which cause overloads, tangles, and short circuits. In stark contrast, Simulen is made of paper and reassuring paperboard cubes, tinted with pastel colors which case the electronic wires, circuits and knobs. Also on Simulen are detailed drawings that illlustrate the inner workings in great detail. Mukendi’s work not only visualizes a problem that is central to Africa, but also teaches it’s people the phenomenon of electricity and what it does to help them.


Soplarte is a performance made by an orchestra of blown glass wind instruments. Each instrument has its own particular tone, although the sound variations offered by each model are quite limited. The rythmic variations of the musical performance also trigger movements in position from the performers on stage, making a harmony of bodies and sound. The translucence of the instruments also create a dazzling display of light.


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