Looking Outwards 4 – Alan Herman

LookingOutwards — alan_herman @ 5:22 am

The video below shows an electronic harp which is made up of an Arduino and some lasers. This is the first time I see lasers used for making a musical instrument and I thought it was really cool in terms of the idea, but also very cool visually. Jean Michell Jarre is a musician who actually uses an electronic harp in his concerts. It is interesting that this harp is actually made with an Arduino (the one on the video) so it seems like something that I could potentially do by myself perhaps as a final arduino project. The name of the maker of this project is Stephen Hobley and you can find his website which is his name .com


I found this wearable motorcycle when I was looking for “real iron man” suits, it is not the first thing that comes up but it was there. I think this is a pretty cool concept and it is by a guy who was a college junior when he made it, his name is Jake Loniak. I’ve always been interested in enhancing the capabilities that humans have through technology that we not only use but that it is part of us. So we and the technology become one. This motorcycle which I see more as a suit, reminded me a lot of the people in the movie Wall-E who live sitting in a chair but the chair takes them everywhere, I posted an image of it below.

The last project is one that is very similar to a led lights project which Craig showed where by turning on and off leds in certain patterns, shapes are created. The specific shapes in the example we saw were birds. The project I found is made using an Arduino but it has the same idea of the example we saw. It seems like also a cool possible final arduino project although I am not sure how complicated it would actually be. I found the specific blue leds along with the music used very relaxing and aesthetically pleasing.


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