Looking Outwards

LookingOutwards — max_perim @ 3:15 am

















*I still couldn’t figure out how to embed videos, so I just provide a link. Sorry.



Lotus by Daan Roosegaard is an interactive wall made from smart foils that respond to human interaction. As people pass by the foils fold open in an organic way, making the wall immaterial. Lotus explores the relationships between space and people, as well as what is public and what is private.




Another Roosegaard piece I liked, Dune is an interactive landscape that brightens in response to visitors’ movement and sound. Described as a “hybrid of nature and technology,” Dune provides a futuristic look into the relationship between nature and urban space.


Zee, by Kurt Hentschlager, is an immersive environment composed of artificial fog, stroboscopes, pulse lights, and surround sound. The audience is allowed to roam freely through a space that is filled with a dense fog that completely obscures its boundaries. The stroboscope and pulse lights illuminate the fog in an evenly dispersed manner, which create three dimensional kaleidoscopic images. Hentschlager describes this work as ” psychedelic architecture of pure light, an abstract luminescent landscape enveloping the visitor.”


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