Looking Outwards 5 – Alan Herman

Uncategorized — alan_herman @ 4:51 am

This week I looked up the work of the artists who are coming to art and code 3D this weekend and here I share the works I found most interesting.

The first project is an interesting video which combines some very blurry images in which you can see some objects some times and other times you just can’t distinguish anything, the video is from a bike ride in NYC by the artist James George. What I found most interesting about it is that it creates a feeling of being in a state between reality and imagination which is very immersive and it made me feel as if I was in someone else’s dream. I enjoy very much when an art work transports me into a different reality, when it makes me feel differently from how I usually feel and gets me in a different state of mind. In the case of this work, this is exactly what I felt.

The second project I found is by Elliot Woods and Mimi Son. It shows a tree which gets augmented digitally (in a non-invasive way) where the leaves of the tree act as 3D pixels and are used to show volumetric light effects. The cool thing for me is that this takes a tree and it transforms it into a different tree which changes every time and reacts to people’s gestures. The patterns of light reflected on the tree create a show of lights which integrates nature and not nature very nicely. I like the idea behind the project as well which responds to this question “we ask how can an unscripted natural entity within our environment can also be visually celebrated.” This project retains the essence of a tree, but ultimately it transforms it into something completely different.

The last project I found which is by Zach Lieberman is a lights show which doesn’t take place but is the building for the Ars Electronica museum in Linz, Austria. As the previous project, this one uses light patterns to transform an existing structure, in this case not a natural one, into a show which constantly changes and ambients a city differently. I found particularly interesting, some of the light patterns which made the building feel like it was a person because it looked like it was breathing (minute 3). As the first project, with this one I felt transported. It felt like a building of the future. I find it interesting that when I think I am seeing something from the future, it is often the case that it is a transformation of something that already exists but that feels a lot more interactive than it does in the present, maybe that is what the future is, a much more interactive way of living.


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