Ideas for interactive tweet, Sarah Keeling

Uncategorized — sarah_keeling @ 2:36 am

1. Twitter seems as though it can be an constant stream of information at times and I would like to make a stream of liquid controlled by pressure either being applied or released by a servo motor. When twitter messages were posted to my accounted the stream of liquid would flow. When there were no tweets, the servo would cut off the water supply. This would be a way of physically measuring the amount of data provided to us in a real-time format.

2. I am interested in having an event triggered when a chosen twitter source posts a tweet and was inspired by Ellie Harrison’s Vending Machine, (./10/11/vending-machine-ellie-harrison_lookingoutwards4/). I primarily follow art institutions on my twitter account and was thinking about triggering an action or projection in response to those particular sources. I am still thinking about exactly what this action or image would be and its significance. Perhaps using the tweets from these sources to generate a drawing or art of my own, creating a somewhat un-known and removed collaboration with these institutions.

3. Following the same thought process described in idea #1, I am considering making a kinetic sculpture, using motors connected to an arduino, that’s movement would be dependent on receiving tweets from a chosen source. Possible ideas to explore are how lines of formality and casualty are treated with online medias. I am also interested by the increased accessibility that twitter provides to a large amount of information in a brief format and feel an action could be created to exemplify this as well.


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