Twitter And Arduino

Uncategorized — mark_strelow @ 8:03 am

Some ideas I thought would make use of Twitter and the Arduino in interesting ways:

1. A device that was attached to your face near your eyes, and could tell when your eyes were closed. I’m not sure exactly how this would work, but it would somehow be able to sense when your eyes were closed, and infer things from this information. It could count the number of times you blink (which might be interesting to compare from day to day), or see if there were certain times when your time of blinking lasted longer than other times. It could also be used to see how long you closed your eyes when falling asleep in class (which would be pretty interesting for me at least). It would also be interesting to see the results for when you were falling asleep at night. Perhaps after a certain amount of time closed, a tweet could be sent saying that you were asleep. Because you can’t really send a tweet once you are asleep, this could be pretty useful (depending on the circumstances).

2. Hooking up a light sensor to something like a phone. This way, you could tell how many times you took the object out of your pocket, and see an overall reading for how long it was being used (perhaps a light senor would not be the best because it isn’t necessarily light outside of your pocket). Perhaps a light sensor could be placed in the inside of wallet to see when it was actually opened. The idea of using sensors to see when something occurs, and for how long, (similar to my idea for #1) is pretty intriguing to me.

3. My last idea is for (the somewhat cliche idea) of some type of sensor to see how someone was feeling. Perhaps reading their pulse somehow, or taking their temperature, or even combining multiple sensor values such as these. I think it would be interesting to be able to see what times of day you were excited, nervous, etc. Trying to remember what was happening at a certain time to make you react in such a way, and the reaction itself, would be pretty cool. I think a tweet alerting people that you were in a stressful situation could be pretty interesting as well. It might be difficult for the sensors to determine what was actually happening to you, but being able to broadcast how you were feeling through values instead of words would be nice.


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