
I watched a few of the scripting tutorials, and it's set up surprisingly similarly to the stuff we've done with p5, Processing, Glitch, etc. I've gotten pretty used to the functions called every frame, or called every mouse click, or whatever it is, so learning to make cool things in Unity scripts should just be a matter of familiarizing myself with the built in capabilities of the UnityEngine library.

Here's a screenshot of a little game I made where you can move around and click on cubes to make them shoot in a certain direction.


I wasn't sure what to screenshot so I chose a few of the more interesting ones.



Turning on/off a light

driving around a sphere

camera following a sphere as it falls

spawning/deleting instances of a prefab





Some Notes

  • Unity is NOT a modeling software - assets must be made outside of the editor
  • The physics engine is AWESOME, so is the particle collider
  • Textures / Materials quite similar to Rhino
  • Animations are cool, but the scripting interface's "Update" function seems more useful
  • Lighting also similar to Rhino
  • Particles are interesting, but seem more like a gimic / VR thing
  • Timeline's functionality seems better done via scripting...