Alex Looking Outwards Max

Ambient Synthesis by Amanda Ghassaei “is a sound sculpture that responds to light stimuli to construct a unique, audiovisual interpretation of its environment.”  the light sensor data is interpreted by a MaxMSP application to produce abstract symmetrical patterns and a slowly evolving synthetic drone.  I really enjoy the minimalistic aesthetic of this cube in these landscapes.  I also enjoy the way this knee height square is able to interpret its surroundings and release a noise that engulfs an entire space.  One I’m prove meant that could be made is either a more developed focus on the lighting visuals or not have the lights at all because they appear to distract the viewer because they are not that pretty.  The documentation of this project is very effective because it draws a professional focus on the object as well as its surroundings.


“Commissioned by Sonos, Light House is an interactive light and sound responsive installation created by NY’s SoftLab that responds in real-time to Sonos components. The installation is constructed of a grid of 600 florescent light tubes at varying heights and lengths to create an interior volume.” It appears to be used as a interactive light display/set for musical performances.  I enjoy the clean look of the florescent lightbulbs.  However, because the installation exists in a three diminutional plane, some of the lighting patterns  are blocked by the inactive lights in from of them.  Another direction this piece could take is that the artists could think about the bulbs coming up from the floor, out from the walls in all different directions rather than just a cloud from above.


“Object” is my favorite of the three.  This “is an interactive installation that generates an ever changing sound thanks to the dynamic relation established between its different parts.”  Ass the viewer gets closer to the plate, it bends away and makes a louder noise as if it is afraid of the viewer.  It is very interesting because it is a give and take kind of fear.  The piece physically fears the viewer but the sounds and reaction of an inanimate object causes fear in the viewer from getting closer.  The documentation of this piece is kind of poor because it appears to be in a class room setting.

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