Temboo Location

location: 77 Greenwood Circle Womleysburg, PA
latitude: 40.255775
longitude: -76.90538

// More examples & getting started tutorials can be found at:
// https://temboo.com/processing
// Import the Temboo library core and appropriate Choreos
import com.temboo.core.*;
import com.temboo.Library.Google.Geocoding.*;

// Create a session using your Temboo account application details
// If you don't have a Temboo account, sign up here:
// http://temboo.com/signup
// If you do have a Temboo account, find your application details here:
// http://temboo.com/account/applications
TembooSession session = new TembooSession("salexy", "myFirstApp", "111dc69fd5864a3e95ef1ed410610654");

// Set up some global variables
String location = "77 Greenwood Circle Womleysburg, PA";
float latitude, longitude;

void setup() {
// Run the GeocodeByAddress Choreo function

void runGeocodeByAddressChoreo() {
// Create the Choreo object using your Temboo session
GeocodeByAddress geocodeByAddressChoreo = new GeocodeByAddress(session);

// Set inputs

// Run the Choreo and store the results
GeocodeByAddressResultSet geocodeByAddressResults = geocodeByAddressChoreo.run();

// Save latitude and longitude as floats
latitude = float(geocodeByAddressResults.getLatitude());
longitude = float(geocodeByAddressResults.getLongitude());

// Print latitude and longitude
println("location: " + location);
println("latitude: " + latitude);
println("longitude: " + longitude);

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