
A Series of Lines Traced by Five Hundred Individuals – Clement Valla

A Sequence of Lines Traced by Five Hundred Individuals from clement valla on Vimeo.

A Sequence of Lines is based off a fairly simple premise: Ask somebody to trace a straight line, then ask somebody else to try to trace the line that the last person drew. Repeat the second step another 498 times. I really love this idea of evolution through failure, and it’s fascinating to see how easily the line changes, splits and twists. Valla has also processed the raw data into a number of different forms, each with their own character. Below is a detail from an image of all of the lines placed side by side. I would really like to see the basic principle of this technique applies to different mediums and ideas.


One of Valla’s primary interests in the use of digital systems and technologies, particularly those that skew reality, to explore social systems and behavioural process.

.fluid – Hannes Jung

.fluid – A reactive surface from Hannes Kalk on Vimeo.

.fluid is a unusual use of non-newtonian fluid. The piece consists of a board which is connected via a set of sensors to a speaker below the fluid, which activate the surface when the board or fluid are touched. .fluid is a concept piece for reactive surfaces, and is mainly grounded in a basis of design applications for this behaviour. It brings a strange sense of the other to when it is interacted with; It is completely innocuous when first approached, and its behaviour unexpected. This brings the user into a new space of interactivity and play. At this scale, it’s an interesting concept piece, but I would like to see what could be done with this on a larger scale.

The Aether Project – Raman K. Mustafa, Refik Anadol, Julieta Gil, Farzad Mirshafiei

THE AETHER PROJECT from Refik Anadol on Vimeo.

The Aether Project is a great show of computational force. It consists of two enormous robotic arms on rails. One wields a projector and the other a moveable irregular surface to which the projector links. The Project was made through UCLA’s Architecture and Urban Design Department, and the arms are an exploration into use of architectural form as a dynamic surface.  There is a ponderous beauty to these massive arms in motion, and the sheer technical challenge of mapping a 3D projection in this mutable a space is inspiring. However, this seems to me to still be in a technical development stage; The piece seems to me to be a tool that has yet to be applied.

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