One Line Game (Keep it up!)

This is a game I thought of using only one line and your mouse. The point of the game is to keep the line from touching the bottom by keeping the mouse under each of the ends of the line. Changing one variable will make it harder or easier to keep it up by limiting the “grace” space the mouse is in, the bubble of effectiveness, down to one pixel.

// RULES: keep mouse under each end to bounce back up
//        keep mouse over each end to freeze the end
//        keep from hitting the bottom

int points =0;

float x = 80;   // x location of square
float x2 = 120;
float y = 0;     // y location of square
float y2 = 0;

float speed = 0;   // speed of square
float speed2 = 0.5;

float gravity = .05;

int hardness = 7;

void setup() {
  size(200, 900);

void draw() {
  fill(#ffffff, 90);
  rect(0, 0, width, height);
  // Display the square
  line(x, y, x2, y2);

  // Add speed to location.
  y = y + speed;
  y2 =y2+speed2;

  // Add gravity to speed.
  speed = speed + gravity;
  speed2 = speed2 + gravity;

  // If square reaches the bottom
  // Reverse speed

  int floor1 = mouseY;
  int floor2 = mouseY;

  if (mouseX >80-hardness && mouseX < 80+hardness && y > floor1 && y < floor1+10) {
    floor1 = mouseY;
    speed = speed * -.98;
  } else {
    floor1 = height;
  if (mouseX>120-hardness && mouseX<120+hardness && y2 > floor2 && y2 < floor2+10) {
    speed2 = speed2 * -.97;
    floor2 = mouseY;
  } else {
    floor2 = height;

  if (y >= height || y2 >= height) {
    text("Game Over", 20, height/2);
    int finalPoints = points;
    text("Points: "+finalPoints, 65, height/2+30);
    speed = 0;
    speed2 = 0;

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