Iteration – My Least Interactive Friends

The generative image shown below is a composite of the names of my ten least interactive Facebook friends. By first downloading and parsing the html data from my Facebook wall, I can tell based on date of posts, and amount of interactions, which of my friends are actually interacting with my “online self”. The results are actually quite astonishing. I remember each of these names. Each of these people have some place in my history and the fact that they are here is quite appropriate in that both online and in real lie I barely associated my self with these people but knew them “just enough”. My program uses iteration to both generate the image and constantly run over the html data.

Snap 2014-11-17 at 12.54.31

It’s quite a large file…

from defineFriends import *
from htmlParse import *
wall = parseWall()

list = defineFriends(wall)

tenLeast = []

nFriends = 10

for i in range(nFriends):
def setup():
    rect(0, height * .15, width, height)
    a = loadFont("LucidaGrande-48.vlw")
    text("Social Strangers", width / 2, height * .125)
    for i in range(nFriends):
        xLoc = ((i % 2) * width * .5 ) + width * .25
        yLoc = height * (.14 * (i % nFriends/2)) + height * .27
        textSize(30 + random(10))
        text(tenLeast[i], xLoc, yLoc)
    rect(0, height * ((.14 * (nFriends*.5 - .3))) + height * .25, width, height)
from htmlParse import *
import string
#Define all friends and find out when you friended them .
# I joined Sunday, January 18, 2009

def defineFriends(wall):
    global friendDict, dateSinceFriend
    with open("friends.txt", "r") as inf:
        friends = inf.readlines()
    friendDict = {}
    dateSinceFriend = {}
    for friend in friends:
        friendDict[friend.strip("\n")] = 0
        dateSinceFriend[friend.strip("\n")] = 0
    ageOfFriendship(dateSinceFriend, friendDict,wall)
    return rateWallPosts(friendDict, dateSinceFriend, wall)
#Calculates rough distance between two dates as tuples. 
def distanceBetweenDates(start, end):
    return end[0] - start[0] + \
    end[1] * 30 - start[1] * 30 + \
    end[2] * 365 - start[2] * 365 
monthToIndex = {
                "January" : 1,
                "February" : 2,
                "March" : 3,
                "April" : 4,
                "May" : 5, 
                "June" : 6, 
                "July" : 7,
                "August" : 8, 
                "September" : 9,
                "October" : 10,
                "November" : 11,
                "December" : 12

dayToIndex = {
              "Sunday" : 1,
              "Monday" : 2,
              "Tuesday" : 3,
              "Wednesday" : 4,
              "Thursday" : 5, 
              "Friday" : 6,
              "Saturday" : 7

abbrToMonth = {
               "Jan" : "January",
               "Feb" : "February",
               "Mar" : "March",
               "Apr" : "April",
               "May" : "May",
               "Jun" : "June",
               "Jul" : "July",
               "Aug" : "August",
               "Sep" : "September", 
               "Oct" : "October", 
               "Nov" : "November",
               "Dec" : "December"

abbrToMonthLen = {
               "Jan" : 7,
               "Feb" : 8,
               "Mar" : 5,
               "Apr" : 5,
               "May" : 3,
               "Jun" : 4,
               "Jul" : 4,
               "Aug" : 6,
               "Sep" : 9, 
               "Oct" : 7, 
               "Nov" : 8,
               "Dec" : 8

abbrToDay = {
             "Mon" : "Monday",
             "Tue" : "Tuesday",
             "Wed" : "Wednesday",
             "Thu" : "Thurday",
             "Fri" : "Friday",
             "Sat" : "Saturday",
             "Sun" : "Sunday"

abbrToDayLen = {
             "Mon" : 7,
             "Tue" : 8,
             "Wed" : 10,
             "Thu" : 9,
             "Fri" : 7,
             "Sat" : 9,
             "Sun" : 7

days = dayToIndex.keys()
months = monthToIndex.keys()

def dayOfWeek():
    # 5 is number of days into 2014 for sunday
    daystotal = (365*(year() - 1)) + (int(floor((year()-1)/4))) -(int(floor((year() - 1)/100))) + (int(floor((year() - 1)/400))) + day()
    return daystotal % 7

def metaLineFilter(wall):
    metaList = []
    for line in wall:
        temp = ""
        for c in line:
            temp = temp + c
            if temp == '<div class="meta">':
    return metaList 

def gaugeResponses(friendDict, dateSinceFriend, filtered):
    for item in filtered:
        time = findTime(item[0])
        name = findNameExtended(item[1])
        if not(name == "%s" % myName):
                dist = distanceBetweenDates((myDay, myMonth, myYear), (time[0],time[1],time[2]))
                coeff = map(dist, 0, today, 0, 4)
                friendDict[name] = friendDict[name] + (1 * coeff)
                friendDict[name] = 1 * coeff
def findNameExtended(item):
    item = item.strip("</div>")
    lower = string.lowercase
    check = False
    name = ""
    for c in item:
        if c.isspace():
            name += c
            check = True
        elif check and c.islower() and not(c == "d"):
            return name.strip()
            check = False
            name += c

def findTimes(dictionary, friendDict, friendList):
    for item in friendList:
        timeFriended = findTime(item[0])
        name = findName(item[1].strip("</div>").strip("</p"))
        timeTillFriend = (timeFriended[0] - myDay) + \
                    ((timeFriended[1] * 30) - (myMonth * 30)) + \
                    ((timeFriended[2] * 365) - (myYear * 365))
        friendedFor = map(timeTillFriend, 0, today, today, 0)
        dictionary[name] = int(friendedFor)
        friendDict[name] = 0
def findName(item):
    # Ignore "Luca Damasco and"
    start = 17
    #Ignore " are now friends."
    end = len(item) - 17
    return item[start:end]

def findTime(item):
        day = item[0:3]
        temp = ""
        for c in day:
            temp += c
        day = temp
        dayLen = abbrToDayLen[day]
#         dayI = dayToIndex[abbrToDay[day]]
        month = item[dayLen + 1 : dayLen+4]
        monI = monthToIndex[abbrToMonth[month]]
        monLen = abbrToMonthLen[month]
        index = dayLen + monLen
        dayI = item[index + 2: index + 4]
        if dayI[1] == ",":
            dayI = dayI[0]
        dayLen = 2
        index += 2 + 3
        year = item[index : index + 5]   
        return (int(dayI), int(monI), int(year)) 
def ageOfFriendship(dictionary, friendDict, wall):
    metaList = metaLineFilter(wall) #Only shows meta data on wall. 
    filtered = filterLines(metaList,True) #Filters to find only friendings
    findTimes(dictionary, friendDict, filtered) #Finds out how long you've been a friend and adds it to the dictionary. 
def rateWallPosts(friendDict, dateSinceFriend, wall):
    metaList = metaLineFilter(wall)
    filtered = filterLines(metaList, False)
    gaugeResponses(friendDict, dateSinceFriend, filtered)
    friendListTup = []
    friendList = friendDict.keys()
    for name in friendList:
        friendListTup.append((name, friendDict[name]))
    finalList = []
    for friend in friendListTup:
        if not(friend[1] == 0):

    finalList.sort(key = lambda friend : friend[1])
    return finalList
def filterLines(lineList, check):
    newList = []
    for line in lineList:
        divFree = line.strip('<div class="meta">')
        a = divFree.split(" EST")
        b = divFree.split(" EDT")
        if len(a) >= 2:
            divFree = a
            divFree = b
        if check:
            if divFree[1][0:22] == "</div>%s and" % myName:
            if not(divFree[1][0:22] == "</div>%s and" % myName) :
    return newList

def initDefine():
   global today, myName, myMonth, myYear, myDay
   myName = "Luca Damasco"
   myMonth = 1
   myDay = 18
   myYear = 2009
   today = distanceBetweenDates((myDay, myMonth, myYear), 
                             (day(), month(), year()))

def parseWall():
    newList = []
    complete = []
    with open("wall.htm", "r") as inf:
        wall = inf.readlines()
    for item in wall:
        wallEdit = item.split('<p>')

    for item in newList:
        for line in item:
    return complete

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