Hizal’s IFTTT recipes and blog post

My recipes, half functional half personal, are two so far:

One saves my iPhone’s camera roll photos to my  dropbox as I take them, the other alerts me when my girlfriend makes a post on Instagram (so that I can like her picture, otherwise I’m in trouble lol).

I think IFTTT is a wonderful idea that I never knew existed before and wish I did know. The concept of it, the way it helps ease day-to-day activities, actions and mundane tasks. I created the photo to dropbox thing because I want my photos to instantly be on my computer after I take them, without having to plug them in. As for Campbell’s formula, I think it’s pretty accurate. Most computer art, if it’s not programmed using only computational statements and random generators, its using variable input data, and nothing screams varying data than nature and the world. Temperature, sound, etc are all variable and the perfect data to manipulate into visual elements.

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