Bo Kim

14 Jan 2016


Architecture of Radio is an iPad application that visualizes the “architecture” of network structure surrounding the user. The application incorporated Three.js and Ionic Framework, retrieving data of the user’s location with the GPS. The application calculates the location of cell towers, overhead satellites, wifi routers and others in user’s proximity. Based on those calculations it provides a 360 degree visualization of the networks around the device. The resulting visualization of the invisible system of networks is a translation the conceptual structure of the digital world into comprehensible physicality. The idea of visualizing invisible data, which is both live and site-specific, itself is interesting. But how the data was visualized in three dimensional space, both virtual and realistic seems very successful. It is a map that adequately portrays the intimacy of online network in contemporary lifestyle. The design elements of the visualization are beautiful, producing a mesmerizing ambience through the screen.

Optical Flow


An add-on that I found interesting was ofxMIOFlowGLSL. It is an add-on that calculates optical flow and resulting raw texture for Shader based processing. This add-on can be implemented for making drawing programs that interacts with the user’s facial movements and gestures.