Kaushal Agrawal – FaceOSC

by kaushal @ 10:36 pm 23 January 2012


I used the FaceOSC and OpenFrameworks wrapper to create a dummy Pacman game. The game is driven by mouth height and face orientation parameters returned by faceOSC. As soon as the user opens the mouth, the Pacman is set to move and when the user closes the mouth, Pacman moves forward. The user can only steer the Pacman left or right to the direction of movement by tilting the head in either directions. The tilt of the head is decided by threshold values to ensure correct turning of the character in the game. The original maze from Pacman was reduced to a simple one to reduce complexity and the ghosts were taken out. To make the game interesting, I added a level completion time. A few things that I realized after completing the project was that while its fascinating to see the game controlled by mouth, it can really exhaust you over multiple play session.
Interesting possibilities: Could use pre-recorded videos from interviews, and use that to drive the game and assign them Pacman scores!

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