
by kelsey @ 4:23 am 14 February 2012

Action Painting Redux

by Jeremy Rotsztain
Technology: openFrameworks

This piece is created through the analysis of scene and sound data from action movies. The result is a very active and vibrant abstracted visualization with dramatic sound effects in the background. I like this piece because it seems like the rules for generation are so open ended, allowing a lot of different input to potentially be used to create one of these pieces. I really enjoy the artistic style, the scratchy lines that overlap and feel full of motion, however with this concept I’d like to see what it’d look like with a different visual style.


by Marius Watz
Technology: Processing

The strong visual style and playful swirly lines hint at the Quicktime video media that these were from. The particles, transparencies, and colors could all be changed in this work. I really like the patterns in these pieces, seemingly like an optical illusion or something about become one. I would like to also reveal the behind the scenes factors/methods of creation on these screens just to better understand the development process.


by Andy Huntington and Drew Allan

In this piece analysis of sound leads to the creation of data sculptures. I like the piece because of the way that it has taken the invisible concept of sound and tried to visualize it in a compelling way. Visually seeing sound as this wavy and rigidly formed sculpture alters my perception of sound. As I am viewing the pieces I would like to hear the audiotrack that created them.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.
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