Looking Outwards 4

by sarah @ 9:24 pm 20 February 2012

Matthias Pliesnig

I am thinking of doing something with generative furniture design for my project and Matthias Pliesnig’s work came to mind while I was doing some research. He doesn’t give too much information about his design process, but some of the works seem that they could lend themselves to generative design. (And even if they’re not generative works I thought he was an interesting artist to share.) I think the way he treats space and a person’s interaction with his piece add interest to his work and his craftsmanship is very impressive! Some quick background information: his studio is in Philidelia, PA and has taught at Anderson Ranch in Colorado (where Golan taught too).

I recently saw this video from a friend who is taking Ali Momeni’s Digital Fabrication this semester. Phil Cuttance creates molds and objects through a process contained on a mobile cart. The forms that are produces from it are interesting and mix digital media with hands on craft.

Pipe Cleaners by Lars Berg was made with openframeworks and ofxMarchingCubes. I thought Berg was able to create really interesting and tangible movement and texture for these creaturelike things. However, the image appears blown out at times and I wish that the contrast and maybe color of the piece was altered so that it would be easier to see the movement and details. It would be great to see these put in some kind of context.



Achilles from 2008 by Coplanar is visually interesting. It’s odd to see what appears to be steel-like bars melting and folding like fabric. This project reminds me of the “Curtain” on OpenProcessing by BlueThen.

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