Looking outwards

by davidyen @ 3:51 pm 2 February 2010

I found this project that involved generating a parametric typeface. I’m not sure if it exactly qualifies as simulation, so I’ll post a better example when I find one. I thought it was really interesting though and since we talked briefly about parametric design (quite literally involving knobs affecting form variables).

I really like the touches of animation that make the type appear alive and organic, and the interaction using computer vision in the projection installation version. Great and simple idea.

1 Comment

  1. This is a really cool idea. I remember in Christian Schwartz’s lecture about type design he was talking about the program he uses that allows you to automatically generate any weight of a typeface you’re working on as long as you define the extremes (thin and extra bold.) This wouldn’t be too hard to make based on that principle, but I really like the “springiness” effects they added here to add to the interaction of the piece.

    Comment by caudenri — 7 February 2010 @ 12:32 pm

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