Looking Outwards–Freestyle (Project 2)

by aburridg @ 7:53 pm 9 February 2010

Here’s the beautiful piece I found:

It is called “Dynamic Ferrofluid Sculpture: Organic Shape-Changing Art Forms”…nice long name.

The work uses a substance called Ferrofluid (a product commonly used for forming liquid seals and electronic parts. Ferrofluid strongly reacts with magnetic fields. The artist set up this piece such that the controlling magnets would moved based on how many people walked by his piece and how long the people stood by it.

More information on this piece can be found here.

This piece popped out at me because I liked how it created forms using not only technology, but an actually substance as well. Ferrofluid was invented in the 1960s, which is fairly recent. I think it would’ve been interesting to have the magnets change position based on a music piece as well. I’m not sure if that’s what the artist did in the youtube video demonstration, but that may have been interesting to see.

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