
by Michael Hill @ 7:19 am 15 March 2010

The underlying idea for my project is to convert a netbook into a small Wacom tablet similar to a Cintiq.  After this, I would like to create different kinds of applications for it.  The end product would be geared towards artists as a digital “sketchbook”.  In the case that I cannot build the hardware itself, I may opt for a more fleshed out version of the software.

While doing my research I stumbled across two different items.  The first of which is called a “Touch Book“.  This is basically a tablet pc running on an Arm processor on a custom operating system.  Hardware like this would be more ideal, but I do not really have the time to start from the ground and work up.

The second article I found was published this morning on Hack-a-Day‘s website.  While technically the reverse process of what I’m trying to do, the underlying principle of combining a screen and a scrap wacom tablet is basically the same:

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